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"Ridiculously Photogenic Guy" running 10K sparks questions

Last month, a picture of a guy went viral. People, especially runners, were curious about the guy looked because, well, he still looked cute (or handsome, depends on you, girls).

See the picture below and the full article here.

There he is, the "ridiculously photogenic guy," wearing bib # B5917. People think he couldn't muster that smile. What do you think?

What do you think? Has Photoshop made its way to the finish line? Let me know what you think by clicking "Like" and placing your comments below.


  1. My son took the photo and it is NOT photoshoppped!
    Here is the link to the original photo:

  2. Hi, kogmom. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about the story behind this. Thanks as well for sharing your son's photo.
