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May 2008. My mother noticed that I lost a lot of weight.
I told her; maybe it was because of the summer training sessions that I conducted on my former work. As the in-charge of the training of all employees during that time, I had to monitor different sessions in many venues. Maybe, due to the many walks and up-and-down on the staircases, I burned many calories.
After two months or so, she still noticed that I have not gained the weight that I lost (the training sessions were not as frequent as last summer). Besides, what she actually observed was not a gradual loss of weight.
I went to an internist (let’s call him Dr. Overtime; he finishes checking his patients up to eight in the evening). As instructed, I underwent tests. Then, while the internist was writing a prescription, he looked at me.
“Your neck is quite outsized. Do you have goiter?” he asked.
I told him that I don’t have goiter. Although I had it checked a few years back because I experienced palpitations. Tests results were normal.
With that, Dr. Overtime instructed me to undergo thyroid ultrasound.
I got bothered with the result: I have a tiny nodule in my right thyroid.
After another series of tests (and doctors), reality set in: the nodule is the one making my thyroid abnormal; thus the loss of weight. Although it is benign, my condition has to be monitored.
Great. This is on top of my occasional bouts of cough and cold (which introduced me to dear friend vertigo), breast nodes (which are also benign) and dysmenorrhea.
Wow. I am going to die young.
Then last year, I created my dream board.
I posted pictures and notes in my cabinet. I posted everything that I want to accomplish in my lifetime.
It included this:
“I will taste the GOOD LIFE. I will eat the right food, exercise, and experience work and life balance.”
As I looked at my work of art, I thought: how will I really exercise?
Then I thought I should try walking.
Yeah, walking. Fifteen minutes. It’s not bad. Then, I could increase five minutes per week.
And so I set the date, and walked.
I loved it.
After a month, I tried running one lap.
My legs ached. I tried two laps anyway after the aching was gone.
I loved it more.
Since then, I wasn’t the same.
So, why running?
Running made me realize that despite my illness, I can emerge healthy.
I want to embrace my life with all its goodness. I will not succumb to more sickness.
If I want to change something in me, I am the only responsible for it.
Not even hyperthyroidism can stop me from crossing the finish line.
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